Table of Contents
When it comes to installing WordPress on a web hosting account, there are two primary methods: automated scripts and manual installation. Each approach has its own advantages, depending on your technical expertise and specific needs.
Automated installation scripts, such as those provided by popular hosting platforms like cPanel, simplify the process by automating many steps. This method is perfect for beginners or anyone who wants a quick and hassle-free installation without worrying about technical details. With just a few clicks, the script handles the database creation, file configuration, and setup of WordPress, allowing you to start building your website immediately.
On the other hand, manual installation is typically preferred by more advanced users or those who want full control over the installation process. While it requires a deeper understanding of web technologies, manual installation gives you greater flexibility, allowing you to customize settings, configure the database, and manage files to your exact specifications. This method also provides more insight into the inner workings of WordPress, which can be beneficial for troubleshooting or advanced site management.
In this guide, we’ll explore both methods in detail, highlighting the system requirements for WordPress, the steps involved in each installation process, and when to choose one. Whether you prefer the convenience of an automated script or the control of a manual setup, you’ll find all the information you need to get WordPress up and running on your hosting account. Let’s dive in!
WordPress Installation requirements
As described above, users can install WordPress on a server Hosting plan using automation or a manual approach.
Let’s address the requirements for automated installation followed by requirements for manual users.
Related Reading: Is WordPress Dying?
Requirements: Automated Scripts for WordPress Installation
Note: Automated Installers suits beginning users. Hosting Scripts allows users to install WordPress without learning to go through complex infrastructure.
- Web Hosting account
- Access to the cPanel area
- Availability of pre-packed Automated Install in Web Hosting account
- Basic Know-How of point-and-click options
- Ability to verify the installation
Step 1: Sign into the hosting account of your website. Once you’ve purchased a plan, the email or order confirmation you receive from Hosting includes login information.
Step 2: Access your hosting cPanel area. Sometimes, the said option exists under hosting details. So, cPanel refers to the admin area That provides access to various Tools. The Tools help users control Web hosting infrastructure, such as files, integrations, directories, databases, scanning for malware, password protection, and privileged users.
Step 3: In the cPanel area, you should look for “WordPress” under Automated Scripts or Installers. The interface differs from hosting to hosting; however, look for similar options in the cPanel interface.
Step 4: Run the script and follow the on-screen instructions to proceed. The point-and-click interface helps users quickly install WordPress without learning how to code or handle complex options, manual coding, or Support Team assistance.
Step 5: The on-screen message can lead you further after the process. If you see a prompt to log in, use the credentials set during the installation. If you can log into WordPress successfully, you’ve successfully installed WordPress using built-in automated scripts.
Requirements: Manual approach for WordPress Installation
Note: Advanced users prefer manual WordPress installation. Users who know how to install WordPress manually can control everything.
Let’s proceed to address the requirements of “Manual WordPress Installation.”
- Web Hosting account
- Access to the cPanel area requires a login status for the Web Hosting account.
- Access to cPanel File Manager as a privileged user, such as the owner of the hosting plan
- WordPress Core ZIP package, available on
- Basic routines, such as uploading, extracting, and moving WordPress Core Files using the web manager
- Database, created in the cPanel area
- Database user, created in the cPanel area, preferably on the same page as the Database
- Database user’s password
- Access privileges of the Database user on the created Database
- Understanding of WordPress’ Installation wizard
- Validating the whole process
- Logging into the WordPress dashboard
Until you access Hosting’s cPanel File Manager, the interface is identical to (Automated Installers). Once you’ve accessed Hosting’s File Manager, the manual process of installing WordPress begins.
Before proceeding, you should have downloaded the official WordPress ZIP package. Once the core files are extracted to Public_HTML, the site’s home page should run the WordPress installation wizard.
Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with and finish the WordPress installation (Manually).
Every site has a Database, which refers to the bank where the site’s data is stored. Indeed, the WordPress installation requires one created in the Hosting cPanel area.
Also – creating a Database User with Access Password is required. Once created, the final step helps users give access privileges to the User over the Database.
Once finished, save the changes and run the WordPress installation wizard.
Additional Requirements
PHP – HyperText Preprocessor is an open-source language to develop dynamic web applications. It is called a scripting language – A general-purpose scripting language.
PHP is used on the server end. Using HTML embeds, PHP helps users develop custom applications, dynamic Tools, and complex infrastructure(s).
Let’s address another case.
The PHP memory limit is equally essential. The memory reserved for running PHP commands refers to the PHP Memory Limit. So, having enough PHP memory on the server is also “important” for a WordPress website.
Here, beginners don’t need to get worried. However, once the site starts growing, confirming if the PHP memory limit is enough is vital – keep in mind.
Note: If you need to learn how to proceed, ask your Hosting Support channel. If it requires an increase, ask. In some cases, WordPress sites return errors if the PHP memory limit has reached its maximum mark. So, asking for hosting support has become mandatory.
Key Point: Using PHP’s version greater than 7.4 is mandatory for WordPress. Also, ensure your PHP memory limit covers WordPress requirements.
What about a WordPress database? If you’re installing WordPress, MySQL, a relational Database Management System, helps users develop WordPress sites. MySQL stores the site’s data in rows and columns and supports PHP.
A relational database stores data in tabular form. Developers easily understand the concepts of rows and columns in tabular form. In simple words, in MySQL, the data is stored in rows and columns, easily accessible via Structured Query Language (SQL), a language for accessing database data by PHP-embedded SQL commands.
Key Point: For WordPress, users need to use MySQL version 8.0. It would be better to use a version greater than 8.0.
HTTPS Support
Let’s address HTTPS. In the case of a WordPress installation, HTTPs—as a secured HTTP protocol—keep WordPress secure. HTTPs are helpful when dealing with sensitive information, such as when sending/receiving credit card information.
HTTP support is mandatory to install WordPress. Although WordPress can be installed on HTTP, secured HTTPS is much better for security.
To get HTTPS, you must see if you’ve successfully installed SSL. If yes, the required redirects are correctly configured, such as sending users from HTTP to HTTPS URLs. Once SSL has been successfully installed, redirects are automatically configured. To see, check the site’s domain redirects with Redirect Checker.
Key Point: To proceed and install WordPress, check for the following Two points:
- Check if SSL has been successfully installed. Use an online SSL checking Tool, such as one available on Namecheap.
- Once the SSL installation is complete, check redirects. As described above, you can use an online Tool to check for redirect settings.
Note: If the above 02 points are True, you can install WordPress, as the domain you’re installing WordPress on has HTTPS support.
Secure Infrastructural Support
Let’s learn more about secured infrastructural support for WordPress installation.
While installing WordPress, ensure you have owner’s access privileges on the Web Server Hosting account. Sometimes, installing WordPress under a server’s default account creates problems later.
So, it would be good if PHP applications, scripts, and WordPress installation were maintained under a Root account. The Root account has full access privileges on the server, helping users avoid access-related problems.
Key Point: Ask the Hosting Support representatives if hosting users have Root privileges. Once confirmed, you can proceed with installing WordPress.
Web Server Infrastructure requirements
WordPress supports Apache and Nginx, in simple words. Officially, WordPress installation supports servers with the following requirements fulfilled:
- PHP support
- MySQL infrastructure
If the minimum requirements don’t meet the recommended suggestions, contact the Hosting Support channel for more information. In this case, you can initiate a chat session or email Support Agents.
Here is what you need to do.
When asking for more details, ask about the following key points and see if they are available on the server.
- MySQL Maria DB is also supported
- Nginx or Apache – make sure to ask about the mod_rewrite module and confirm if the server supports the option
- HTTPs support
Key Point: Ask the hosting company if you plan to use specific applications like Server-Type. In this case, confirm and proceed accordingly once you know which server software is running – such as Apache or Nginx.
Disk Space on the Server Hosting Account
WordPress requires 1 GB of Space on a web server, so more is better. This is the minimum requirements for server space.
Running a functional WordPress site makes it more accessible within the available space on the server. In this case, you’ll need to choose between the following use cases:
- Upgrade your hosting plan
- Remove unnecessary data to free up server space
Keep in mind that upgrading the server space will always help.
Key Point: Aim to acquire more Space for WordPress installation. Later, when adding ingredients to WordPress core, such as adding applications, you’ll need more Space. So, while buying a Hosting plan, ensure the plan provides enough server space. For example, Namecheap provides 20 GB for primary users, which is the cheapest plan for beginners.
Random Access Memory (RAM)
On a server, RAM helps users understand – how fast a server processes information temporarily. In simple words, RAM is a speed measure for operational processing. The more RAM a server has, the better it can quickly process information. So, for users looking to install WordPress, choosing a Hosting plan That supports high-speed RAM is necessary.
Let’s talk about the minimum requirements for RAM.
WordPress recommends a server should have 512 MB of RAM. However, acquiring more RAM will become mandatory if your site is growing.
Key Point: RAM is a middle agent between the Hard Disk and CPU, helping boost processing speed. The CPU fetches data from RAM instead of searching the Hard Disk for available requirements. In this sense, the more Space available in RAM, the better speed measures are improved.
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
CPU is the brain of a Web Server. It defines how fast a server can process information.
To install WordPress, you must check if a server infrastructure supports CPU requirements.
In this case, WordPress supports servers with 1.0 GHz of CPU power. You can confirm these stats when buying a web hosting plan.
Unlike RAM, a temporary memory for operational processing data, the CPU helps users understand the server’s multi-tasking ability. The more CPU power available, the faster a server can process WordPress data.
Key Point: If a WordPress site grows over time, increasing the CPU on the server’s infrastructure is necessary. In this case, you’ll need to upgrade your Hosting plan. Period.
Server Location
Web Servers have physical locations. A server closer to some users can increase its distance from others. In the case of WordPress, the distance between users accessing a site and the server matters for speed, processing, and efficiency purposes.
Although the location of a server is not a die-hard requirement for WordPress installation, it matters a lot.
Here, you’ve Two options:
- Acquire a closer Web Server; the location closed to you or your ideal clients based on regions
- Use a CDN network, helping users quickly access a site from all locations across the globe
Ask the Hosting support channel if the server locations include closer locations. You can also confirm when buying a Hosting plan.
Key Point: Find a Hosting plan that provides a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Kinsta is an example.
Server Account Username
Avoid using the server’s default username for WordPress installation, as described above. In this case, once you’ve purchased a hosting plan, ask for a separate, dedicated, unique username from the Hosting company.
If you’re using a shared server account for WordPress installation, hackers can quickly take over WordPress if the server is breached.
So, contact your site’s host to ask and make the required changes.
Key Point: In the Web Hosting cPanel area, you can see if your username has proper privileges. If not available, asking the Hosting channel is the only option. Once contacted, make sure to verify the following key points:
- Ask about avoiding the Shared usernames on the server, helping you maintain WordPress security on the server.
- Ask if you have full privileges on the username
- The username should be unique and specifically created for you
Once confirmed, you can proceed with installing WordPress. Period.
Professional Tips
Tip 1: Automated Installers don’t force users to create installation ingredients, such as Database, User, and Password. Absolute Beginners who don’t know how to proceed – can quickly install WordPress using automated installers. On the other hand, before you’ve initiated a manual Install, you’ll first need to create the following ingredients:
- Download WordPress ZIP from its official website
- Database for website
- Database User
- Password for the Database User
- Give access privileges to the Database User over the created Database
Tip 2: Manual installation encourages users with manual expertise. You can control every step, change the database prefix, and know how WordPress installation works, which is enjoyable in the manual approach.
Tip 3: If you’re new, practicing WordPress installation on a staging site is always suggested. In this case, a staging site helps users do experiments without affecting real sites or live ones.
Tip 4: Don’t try manual installation – if you haven’t tried one before.
Tip 5: Always make sure you’ve fulfilled installation requirements before you start the installation wizard, including a Database instance in cPanel, a Database Username, and a Password. Similarly, as described earlier – giving privileged access to the User over the Database is also required.
How do you check the WordPress Installation requirements?
There are Four ways to check for WordPress Installation requirements:
- Confirm technically whether the server supports the minimum requirements for WordPress installation.
- Ask the Hosting Support channel for confirmation and more information.
- Read more about the server’s infrastructure when buying a hosting plan.
- Email the Hosting Technical Team for confirmation of WordPress Installation requirements. In this case, ask if the server has minimum requirements, such as PHP, MySQL, HTTPs support, CPU, SSL certificates, unique Usernames, and periodic Backups.
Note: Remember that after you’ve confirmed the minimum requirements, your site will need more space over time as the WordPress core grows once new Tools, scripts, integrations, Themes, and Plugins are added to WordPress.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is required to install WordPress?
Here is a list of minimum requirements to install WordPress:
- Web Server: Users can use Apache or Nginx
- Disk Space: A minimum of 1 GB is required. However, WordPress will need more space over time as new applications are added to its core.
- PHP: WordPress requires PHP version 8.0 or higher if available
- Database: WordPress supports Maria DB or MySQL as the core Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) for WordPress.
- HTTPS support: HTTPS provides secured communication, while a WordPress site deals with sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, login/logout, or credit card information.
- RAM: A minimum of 512 MB of RAM; however, more RAM is better for operational speed.
- CPU: Faster CPU memory, recommended more than 1.0 GHz.
Note: Read the above details for more information on WordPress installation requirements.
How much RAM is required for WordPress?
If you’re a Beginner, a 512 MB of RAM is enough. However, we recommend more for speedy operational processing. Remember that the amount of server RAM affects your site’s speed.
In this case, once a site grows and drives more traffic, more RAM becomes necessary. Ask your site’s hosting support channel if you need more RAM issues. In most cases, you’ll need to upgrade your site’s Hosting plan.
What are the software requirements for WordPress?
As described above, the requirements for WordPress installation include:
- PHP installation on the Web server
- MySQL or Maria DB is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) for WordPress data storage
- Support for HTTPs protocols
Note: You can also read more about additional requirements, such as disk space, CPU, RAM, secured usernames, and custom requirements.
Is PHP needed for WordPress?
Yes – on the server infrastructure. In simple words, PHP installation on a server is mandatory to install, run, and manage WordPress properly – as WordPress is made of PHP scripts.
No – if you, as an end user, would like to treat PHP. In this case, Users looking to install WordPress and not create custom applications don’t need to learn how PHP programming works.
How do you confirm if the target server has minimum requirements for WordPress installation?
There are various reasons users can confirm if the target server infrastructure supports WordPress:
- Ask the Hosting Support channel for information
- Check the server attributes with online Tools, such as ones used to find server infrastructural stats
- Read more on the Hosting sales page(s) while you’re buying a Hosting plan
Note: It would be good if you’ve verified hosting requirements before purchasing a Web Hosting plan.
Can I run WordPress for free?
Yes, WordPress is free to download and use. However, if you’d like to create a website on the Web, you’ll need to spend money. In this case, buying a hosting plan and Domain name costs around $60 per year.
Can I run WordPress locally?
Yes, it is possible to run WordPress locally.
In this case, software(s) that help users build local server infrastructure(s), such as WAMP, are used. Once the Wamp server is installed locally, users can install WordPress locally, which is how the installation goes through on the Web.
WordPress’s local installations are required for practice, testing, and learning. In such scenarios, users can experience how WordPress works without buying, learning, spending money, and managing the Web Hosting environments.
Summing up
You can say – WordPress installation requires Two types of ingredients.
- Default requirements include access to a web hosting account, a cPanel interface, and access privileges.
- Variable requirements, including setting various parameters, such as Database names, Usernames, and login credentials – along with privilege escalation of Database User on the site’s Database
Users who prefer automated installers skip installation stages and need to learn about Database details as the setup automatically creates and sets one—such a routine suits users who aim to install WordPress without covering learning curves.
Conversely, users who prefer the WordPress manual “installation” approach know about specific things, such as creating a database with login credentials.
In this case, choosing a particular installation medium solely depends on personal preference. Some web hosting plans also automatically install WordPress.
If users need to learn how to proceed, they can ask the Hosting Support Channel for assistance. Users who prefer taking the “Manual approach for WordPress installation” must know how things work, so recovering from possible disasters will make life easier if something goes wrong.
Let us know your requirements for more WordPress installation, error removal, speed optimization, or maintenance information. We provide WordPress maintenance plans for individuals and agencies, charging one-time fees and monthly plans. Let us know your requirements in a live session. You can track order status and progress reports or create tickets in a custom dashboard, manageable by point-and-click options built for WordPress enthusiasts.