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If you plan to take your business to the next level, adding several amazing WordPress plugins is an excellent decision. There are almost 50,000 + WordPress plugins, which you can choose according to your choice and need. It is convenient for people because they can select the right plugin for their website. What are the best WordPress plugins for social media, speed, SEO, and backup? If you want more profit in business, select the WordPress plugins smartly. It also helps in growing an online store.
Below are the 8 Plugins to Consider after Creating the First WordPress Website. Some might not be useful, but some will help you fulfill your goals.
1. Akismet
It is an advanced anti-spam service. It reviews comments on your blog and whether they contain spam or not. You can easily catch spam comments on your blogs and remove them through this plugin service. It mostly comes as a preinstalled plugin when you download WordPress.
When you manage WordPress blogs, you will learn how much spam you receive. Without this fantastic plugin, managing all those comments will take hours, and no one wants to waste time on nonproductive activities. Many other plugins perform the same function, but it is the best. The place from where you are downloading the plugins also matters a lot. Therefore, download the premium essential WordPress plugins with affordable, optimized, and multipurpose WordPress themes like GrandSpace, NanoSpace, and PicoSpace; all WordPress needs in one place.
Akismet can analyze massive data from millions of sites within a short period. It fights spammers’ dirtiest and most considerable tactics. It has excellent learning capabilities and filters comments every second, every day. When you install the WordPress website, make sure you’re using this plugin from day one because apart from managing spam comments, you have several other significant things to do.
2. Hyvor Talk
Hyvor Talk is a commenting system for websites. It is developed to help publishers build an engaging audience around their website with comments. They provide high-quality tools to prevent spam and simplify the moderation process for moderators. Hyvor Talk has an attractive, affordable pricing plan that users worldwide love. Hyvor Talk has countless brilliant features such as Single Sign-On(SSO), Importing Comments, Exporting Comments, Multi-Language, WordPress Plugin, Email Notifications, Pre Moderation, and No Spam, and it is also built for teams and companies.
3. Rafflepress
It is the best and most efficient giveaway plugin in the WordPress market. It helps your site gain more social media followers, increasing website traffic. Through this plugin, you can also email subscribers about contests and giveaways. You can attract website visitors with a drag-and-drop giveaway builder. Along with that, there are giveaway templates. By using them, you can plan a giveaway. Rafflepress gives you subscribers for an email newsletter because your website visitors will first write their email addresses to enter a giveaway. When website visitors follow your social media profile and share the giveaway contest with their friends, your site’s social media engagement increases. With frequent sharing, you will get more traffic, subscribers, and sales. In short, this plugin generates more revenue. You can also quickly connect your social media profiles to popular marketing platforms.
If you are unsure about the purchase, you can first use the free version, Rafflepress lite. If you find it useful, you can use the pro version, which has more powerful features.
4. WP super cache
This plugin will generate a static HTML file from the dynamic WordPress blog. Due to HTML file generation, the web server will work on that file instead of processing heavier and more expensive WordPress scripts. The static HTML files will also serve users who are not logged in, have not commented on your blog, and have not viewed password-protected posts. WP super cache plugin will serve most users with HTML files, resulting in faster page loading.
5. Jetpack
It is a fantastic plugin that consists of more than 40 unique features, including:
- Comment likes
- Contact form
- Beautiful math
- Custom CSS
- Enhanced distribution
- Custom content types
- Infinite scroll
- Markdown
- Lazy images
- Photon
- Monitor configure de
- Mobile theme
- Notifications
- Post by email
- Protect configure de
- Progressive web apps
- Publicize
- Secure sign-on
- Site verification
- Sitemaps
- Shortcode Embeds
- Site Stats configure De
- Related posts
- Sharing configure De
- Spelling and grammar
- Ads
- Widget visibility
- Tiled galleries
- Subscriptions
- Data backups configure
- SEO tools
- Search
- Video Press.
6. Yoast SEO
Every website has search engines. SEO provides you with more visitors through those search engines. You can increase website traffic in several ways, such as using SEO. It works efficiently on WordPress and is the most famous WordPress plugin. If you want to improve your SEO, then Yoast SEO should be your first preference since it has incredible features and tools. It performs the following functions:
- It adds meta tags
- It connects the website to the Google search console
- It optimizes the site for social media
- It helps in generating sitemaps
- It comes with a feature that reads 301 redirects
- It observes URL changes and forms and auto-redirects them to prevent broken links on your website.
7. Contact form 7
It is the most efficient contact form plugin. It is simple, flexible, and conveniently handles all functions. The most impressive part of this plugin is its capability to customize forms without requiring advanced knowledge. Everything will be in front of you; you must make the essential changes, preview them, and make them live at the right time.
8. WP-Optimize
It is a simple, effective, and flexible plugin that allows you to clean up WordPress databases. You can also do the optimization of WordPress without performing manual queries. You will not need it in the beginning days of your website, but you will need it after some time. You can install it in the future.
The WP-optimize plugin consists of the following features:
- It clears the post-trash
- It removes trashed comments
- By using this plugin, you can get rid of trackbacks and pingbacks.
9. Redirection
You can use the redirection plugin to eliminate 400, 404, and 500 errors quickly. Removing these errors can improve your SEO on the Google search result page. You don’t need advanced knowledge to operate this plugin. All you have to do is create and manage redirection. It also supports the regex rule. There are several options based on which plugin provides redirection:
- Referrer
- Browser
- Custom filter
- Cookies
- Server
- IP address
- Login Status
- WordPress capability
10. WP Data Tables
wpDataTables – table and chart plugin
One of WordPress’s most feature-rich table plugins and one of the most popular ones, wpDataTables, offers an all-in-one solution for summarising data in interactive, responsive, and easily editable tables and charts. It is the only table and chart-producing tool to easily manage MS SQL, MySQL, and PostgreSQL database information. The most common way of creating tables is manually doing so with this plugin – every aspect of the table is entirely up to you. Doing so is pretty simple, as there is a YouTube video tutorial you can follow or check the documentation and follow it from there. It has a detailed explanation of how to accomplish everything you need from your table. Once you are done, insert it where you see fit or copy and paste the shortcode.
wpDataTables plugin consists of the following features:
- Responsive Design
- Conditional Formatting
- Sorting
- Multi-criteria filtering
- Multiple Separate DB Connections
- Merge Cells
- Calculating totals for columns.
- Creating tables based on Excel files
- Creating tables based on CSV files
- Creating tables based on Google Spreadsheets
- Creating tables based on MySQL queries
- Creating tables based on serialized PHP arrays
- Creating tables based on JSON feeds
- Creating tables based on XML feeds
- Creating and editing charts using the chart creation wizard
Using the WordPress plugins mentioned above, you can make your website functional, successful, and user-friendly. These plugins are unique, but you should review them thoroughly before downloading them.