Safeguarding your website: 15 Simple WordPress Security Tricks in 2020

If own a successful business with an online presence, chances are you have a WordPress website! You think that no power in this universe can bring your business down.

Right? Wrong!

No matter how much hard work and time you have given to your WordPress website (and even when you have done nothing wrong) there are chances that it can get attacked by a vulnerability or by a hacker.

With over 90,978 attacks each minute is pretty clear on how much WordPress security is necessary and essential, and note that hackers do not discriminate on what they are targeting.

Both big and small are there in the eyes of the hacker.

Therefore, protecting your WordPress website is the need of the hour. Although the developers continuously work to patch up potential exploits, the website owner needs to do their part to keep their website secure.

So here are our top tips to help you to protect your WordPress site with excellent security.

Tips on How to Secure WordPress Website

1. Keep your WordPress Updated

Update WordPress Image

With the new release, WordPress has improved with security. Loads of glitches and vulnerabilities are settled every time some of the other version comes out. Also, if any bugs are figured out, the WordPress core tends to take care of it, and thus it forces a new version promptly to secure WordPress login.

To update WordPress, the user needs to go on the dashboard. At the top of the page, there would be an announcement every time a new version is out. The user needs to tap on the button that says “update now”, and within a few seconds, it is upgraded.

2. Strong Password and User Permission

One of the most common hacking attempts is the ones that are done from the stolen passwords. Thus, to make it a bit secure, the user can make a problematic password that is unique for the website, and among great WordPress security tips. Not just for the WordPress admin area, but for FTP accounts, database and hosting accounts the user would require a custom email address that would use your domain name.

Another way to not give anybody access to the WordPress admin account is unless there is a need. If the user has a large team or guest author, then make sure that it is made understood on what roles and capabilities each play.

3. WordPress Hosting

WordPress hosting tends to play a vital role in the security of your WordPress website. A right sharing hosting provider like Bluehost and site ground tends to take up the extra measures to protect the server against the threats and provides tips for WordPress site secure. A good web hosting company tends to offer continuous monitor on the network for suspicious activities. Not only this, but it also tends to provide tools in the right place to prevent the massive scale of DDOS attacks.

4. Update your theme and plugins

Plugins and themes are not far behind. The user should be aware that if they update their current theme and plugins, then they have to install it on their site. This helps to avoid any types of vulnerabilities, hacks, and various security breaches. Plugins For WordPress secure and manage every possible feature that the users require.

The user also needs to make sure that the themes and plugins are compatible with the latest version of WordPress. Thus, it is indispensable to update and roll out the security update.

5. Two-step authentication

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Two-step authentication means that the addition of an extra layer of security to the website tends to result in extensive protection. The user tends to verify the identity using security or any piece of information in adding to the regular username and password. Two-step authentication is a very productive and useful method that tends to demand extra protection besides standard login. The user needs to input secret code that is only sent on their mobile phone or registered user ID.

6. Antivirus is the key.

We know that the main aim of an antivirus is to spread itself far and wide as much as possible. There can be multiple workstations out there, and these workstations are used by WordPress administration. Thus, the WordPress Development Company needs to make sure that the user is operating a good and updated antivirus. This tends to prevent it from being infected and spreading the virus on the website.

7. Make sure that file permissions are correct.

Generally, PHP and WordPress are used to set the permission that is associated with the file and the folder. This method is involved in WordPress Development Services that provide the user with security. Without going into too much detail, learn that there are different types of agreement.

  • Publicly writable files and the directories
  • The writable files that are by the web server itself
  • Readable ones only

The web server needs writable files for WordPress to operate it correctly, while the public internet requires to access the files or folders. The data should contain 644 permissions, and the folder should contain 755 permissions, not only this but wp-config.php should have 400 to 440 permissions.

8. Limit Login Attempts

WordPress allows the user to log in as many times as they want for adequate WordPress Web Development. This leaves the WordPress website vulnerable and prone to attacks. Therefore, some hackers try to crack the WordPress website with the help of different combinations.

This thus can be easily fixed by limiting the failed login attempts a user tends to make. If the user is utilizing a web application, then it is automatically taken care of.

9. Performing site back-ups

If you rolled your eyes after reading this and thinking about all the WordPress Customization, then you are not at all aware of the fact that how important this thing is. Yes, it might be a long and exhausting process but backing up your files is essential.

All thanks to the technology, the backups that are supposed to be conducted can be done automatically and thus it is a wise solution because they can be scheduled in advance. That is the reason why the user should back up their website.


10. Use SSL encrypted data.

Use SSL Encrypted Data Image

Before you Hire WordPress Developer, the user should be aware of the fact that they are well versed with SSL encryption.

Implementation of an SSL certificate is one of the smartest moves to secure the admin panel. SSL tends to ensure data transfer between user browsers and servers; this makes it difficult for hackers to breach the connection or spoof of any information

Acquiring an SSL certificate for your website is quite simple. The user has the authority to purchase one from a third-party organization and then check it to see if the user needs a hosting company to provide one or not.

11. Disallow file editing

If the user tends to have admin access to the WordPress dashboard, then they have the authority to edit files that are a section of WordPress installation. This thus includes plugins as well as themes. If the user tends to disallow file editing, then no one would be able to modify any files. Even if there are hackers that obtain admin access to the WordPress dashboard. All the user requires to do is attach the following to the wp-config.php file:

define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true);

12. Disabling the editing of files

When the user is on the initial phase of the construction of the website, the user would probably require to tinker around the plugins and themes. By default, WordPress administrators have the right to edit PHP files. Once the website has published the data and any security issue, it manages to log in to your website it then immediately writes the privileges which then operate to modify files on their malicious needs.

The user has the authority to disable file editing for WordPress administrators. After the user disables the files editing for WordPress administration, the website then goes live.

13. Installation of Firewall

Installation Of Firewall Image

No matter if it is a WordPress Plugin Development or any other development there are always two types of firewalls. In network security, firewalls are used to segregate different types of networks. It is done either to keep things from getting in or maybe to get out. In the case of securing WordPress, the user is going to use a web application firewall (WAF) that keep the hackers from getting input to your website business. There are several WAF firewalls, but one of the most reliable, free and open-source firewalls is mostly available along with WordPress hosting service.

14. Locking down a URL path

Now the user should know that often by utilizing a web application firewall there is a lockdown of URL paths. Permanently the user can set up various rules that only IP addresses can access WordPress login URL. Yet again it should generally be used on any website as they tend to rely on obtaining site’s back-ends.

15. Enable Google search console

Google Search Console Image

This is something that the user can supplement their WordPress security. Google and many other search engines tend to have an interest in making a website clean and free of malware. Thus, for this reason, only Google search console advises the user to begin the host on any malicious files. Although it is one of the non-ideal situations where the website hack and thus prevents from being hacked.

In the End

The ultimate WordPress security checklist might provide you with a bunch of work if the user secures the WordPress website before. The best things about these tips are that they do not require efforts to become a part of the method. It is involved in the creation of a website. WordPress security is something that should be taken seriously. A website can be hacked at any time, with any method. Thus, being cautious about the entire process is necessary. No matter if it is secure WordPress login or any other theme-related security – protection of the website is important.

We hope that this article provided you with adequate inputs, and gave you an idea about the safeguarding tips and techniques. If the user has any doubts regarding this topic, or they wish to input any reviews, then they can comment on the comment section. Our experts would try to get back to them as quickly as possible.

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