5 WordPress Mistakes to Avoid If You Are a Digital Marketer

5 WordPress Mistakes to Avoid If You Are a Digital Marketer

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Digital marketing is all about using various intelligent strategies to increase user engagement. Every step you take regarding marketing decides your product’s impression on the public. To ensure a positive, lasting impact, especially if you are new to the field, extra care must be taken while using WordPress.

Even though the WordPress platform is relatively easy to use and maintain, many marketers still do not know how to use it correctly. This lack of prior knowledge limits their reach on the internet while slowing down their business’s growth rate. To flourish your business or marketing career, here are some WordPress mistakes you should never make that could diminish the impact of digital marketing:

Use of Dull Themes 

The first page of any online platform plays a vital role in catching users’ attention. The page associated with the product or business has to be attractive, interesting, and engaging. Marketers often make mistakes by choosing dull and pointless themes for their sites, resulting in poor user engagement. To attract traffic, always use the most catchy themes that match the product or service being marketed well.

Incorrect Positioning of Content

Content placement is another thing marketers do not consider, and it leaves a profound impact on users. Whether your site will grab the attention of most readers also depends on how you place the content on the first page. Choose interactive content or informative blogs to appear in parallel and fluid layouts on the first page. Another tactic is to put a ‘Read More’ link at the end of a few lines on first-page blogs. This link placement will enable visitors to see more content in one go.

Not Updating the Website Often

Many digital marketers do not understand that using older versions of WordPress makes their site vulnerable to hackers and slows down the site’s accessing speed. When a WordPress site is updated, it offers safety, new features, improved performance, and smoother functioning. If you want your digital marketing agency to benefit from WordPress, keep the WordPress sites updated. It is also essential to ensure your sites’ timely backup so copies of their valuable data can be created.

Not Optimizing for Mobile 

It is important to note that more than half of your audience will access your site on their mobile phones, as they are more convenient. The more you keep your WordPress site mobile-oriented, the more ratings and traffic you will get. Using large-size images on a mobile-oriented WordPress site can also slow down page loading. Select pictures of the correct size to place so that their pixels remain high-resolution and the site’s speed remains unaffected. 

Not Linking Social Media Platforms

If you do not use social media sites to increase user engagement, you might not be doing any good for your digital marketing campaign. Linking different social media platforms on your WordPress website and articles is one of the best and easiest ways to surge and drive traffic.


Enriching your WordPress websites with exciting and innovative strategies helps increase traffic and improve SEO optimization. You should remember to update the site and create backups from time to time. A mobile-oriented site enables more users to stay connected to your content. Hopefully, these tips will help your digital marketing agency and career immensely. 

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